Who is Dr. Vicky Stewart?


Welcome to Dizzy Resolve Integrative Coaching

Dizzy Resolve Integrative Coaching helps people with persistent dizziness who have explored conventional treatments, go from frustration with their journey, to finding lasting relief, reclaiming their sense of balance, and living a more fulfilling life, free from the limitations of persistent dizziness.

Unlike conventional therapies, we combine evidence-based techniques, alternative therapies, and a deep understanding of the complexities of persistent dizziness to provide a new holistic and personalized approach, empowering individuals with the tools, strategies, and guidance they need to navigate their dizziness journey with confidence and calmness.

With over 12 years of experience as a vestibular physiotherapist, I have helped thousands of individuals recover from dizziness and vertigo. In addition to clinical practice, I hold a PhD in screening and managing vestibular disorders in emergency and acute hospital settings. I have published research papers and presented at vestibular conferences nationally and internationally. As a primary contact practitioner, I assessed and treated vestibular patients whilst collaborating with specialists like audiologists, psychologists, ENT, neuro-otologists, and neurologists.

While I found joy in assisting patients with vestibular physiotherapy practices, I often encountered limitations in the treatment options available for persistent dizziness and recurrent vertigo. I have witnessed individuals navigate a complex maze of specialist appointments, extensive testing, and conventional treatments, often without attaining the transformative results they long for.

This realization has ignited my passion to explore new ways of providing long-lasting relief. I have embarked on a mission to develop a groundbreaking framework that encompasses subconscious release techniques and harnesses the power of neuroplasticity. This framework offers hope and a path to significant life-changing outcomes by addressing the root causes of persistent dizziness.

Welcome to my website, where I invite you to join me on this transformative journey towards freedom from dizziness. Together, we will unlock the untapped potential within, empowering you to regain control over your equilibrium and embrace a future of renewed balance and vitality.

A deeper dive into Vicky’s Story...

My journey to being an online coach for persistent dizziness is quite the story!

My then 4-year-old son was diagnosed with a hip condition called Perthes Disease. Conventional treatment included surgery and restricting mobility to a wheelchair and crutches for 1 to 3 years, waiting for blood flow to return to the hip bone. While I adopted the recommended mobility restrictions, the passive approach of watching and waiting did not resonate with me.

Instead, I embarked on an extensive exploration of alternative treatment. After six months, follow-up x-rays and specialist reviews found the blood flow had returned and he no longer needed the wheelchair or crutches. By embracing unconventional treatment paths, we had avoided surgery and significantly reduced his time in a wheelchair.

I realized you can’t just treat the physical body, when the mind is so closely connected with the physical body’s recovery.

Through this transformative experience, I discovered the powerful connection between the body, mind, and soul and their intricate interactions leading to ailments and resolutions. While I could not undertake the healing journey for my son, I became his coach, guiding him to his own recovery.

As a specialist vestibular physiotherapist, I realized that a fresh perspective was necessary to help people with persistent dizziness, going beyond the limitations of conventional methods. Combining my personal journey with my experience treating vestibular conditions, I developed a unique solution integrating alternative therapies with evidence-based practice.


The Jim Fortin Podcast - Latest Transformational Episodes


Follow us on Instagram @dizzyresolve

See how Vicky has helped her students:

"Embarking on a transformative journey with Dr. Vicky Stewart at Dizzy Resolve proved pivotal in overcoming my persistent dizziness. Despite initial skepticism, Vicky's expertise in neuroplasticity led to
significant improvement in just three months. Her dedication, innovative techniques, and warm demeanor create a supportive environment, making her a trusted ally for anyone grappling with
persistent dizziness. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Vicky Stewart for her transformative impact on reclaiming a life free from the constraints of dizziness." 

Lloyd Feigenbaum

(Retired Medical Officer) 

"Working with Vicky Stewart was a game-changer for my chronic dizziness. After trying numerous treatments without success, Vicky's approach brought profound results. I went from constant dizziness and brain fog to regaining my life—working, exercising, and enjoying time with my kids. Vicky's unique program, compassionate guidance, and comprehensive approach empowered me to heal from within. If you're dealing with chronic dizziness, spending time with Vicky is a transformative investment."

Kelly Sutton

"I have been working with Vicky for only 6 weeks so far and have found her course so beneficial. Vicky is very knowledgeable, kind and caring and is always there when I need the extra support. There are positive changes taking place in my life daily since implementing her practices. A couple of months ago, I was housebound and completely miserable. I was stuck in a constant loop of Doctors and specialists, looking for answers I never found. Fast-forward to today- I am driving, back at work and enjoying my life once again. If you are stuck in chronic dizziness symptoms and have tried everything else to no avail, take the leap and try Dizzy Resolve- it could be the best decision you ever make!"

Abbey Keegan

My Favourite books to bring you
inspiration in health...

Contact Dr Vicky &
Team Dizzy Resolve:

To get in touch with Dr Vicky, contact 
[email protected]