Persistent Dizziness Holding You Back?


Transform from feeling frustrated and limited, to finding lasting relief so you can feel normal, confident and calm. 

Let us show you how...



A long-lasting solution to transform persistent dizziness from the inside out when nothing else has worked.


While there are many options for treating dizziness,

You have already tried:

Your Free Guide to Resolve Persistent Dizziness

Submit your name and email in the box on the right to instantly download your
FREE Guide to Resolve Persistent Dizziness Ebook.

Transform your dizziness from anywhere in the world. Work with Dr Vicky from your home.

2 Ways We Can Get Started Together...


FREE One-on-One Call 


Book your free one-on-one call with Dr Vicky Stewart. Let's map your next steps to your journey to freedom from dizziness.

This FREE CLARITY CALL is 30minsutes, one-on-one with Dr Vicky to get clarity on:

  • How to determine what your dizziness root cause is
  • How to reframe the root cause so it is no longer a persistent trigger
  • How subconscious reprogramming can resolve persistent dizziness.

Determine if the Dizziness Subconscious Release Framework is for you. 

Find Out More and Book Now!


Dizziness Transformation Program


A premier group and One-on-one online program designed to guide you from the discomfort of persistent dizziness to the liberation of dizziness-free living.

We fuse neuroscience and behavioural science with evidence-based alternative methods to craft breakthrough experiences for those who feel they've tried it all.

If you are ready to break free from the endless loop of treatments and discover a path to lasting dizziness relief, THE SHIFT is your beacon.

Join the notification list to be the first to find out when THE SHIFT next opens its doors to enrolment. 

Join the Notification List!

Hi!  I'm Dr. Vicky Stewart,


I have been practicing as a vestibular physiotherapist (Physical Therapist) for over 12 years, have a PhD in vestibular screening and management, have published several peer-reviewed research papers, presented at national and international conferences and taught vestibular assessment and management at several universities to physiotherapists, medical specialists and allied health.

While I enjoy my successful career as a clinical vestibular physiotherapist, I found myself wanting more tools to truly resolve persistent dizziness. It wasn’t until my son’s own medical journey took me to alternate practices that my eyes were opened to the possibilities of healing.

And so I learned how to take all my years of passion, experience, skillls and training, step outside the traditional ‘Therapist box’ and create something new…

Now I’m ready to offer something different to people with chronic dizziness.

I developed a new approach called the Dizziness Subconscious Release Framework, and it is DIFFERENT from anything you have tried before.

Learn more about Dizzy Resolve and My Story

See how Vicky has helped her students:

"Embarking on a transformative journey with Dr. Vicky Stewart at Dizzy Resolve proved pivotal in overcoming my persistent dizziness. Despite initial skepticism, Vicky's expertise in neuroplasticity led to
significant improvement in just three months. Her dedication, innovative techniques, and warm demeanor create a supportive environment, making her a trusted ally for anyone grappling with
persistent dizziness. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Vicky Stewart for her transformative impact on reclaiming a life free from the constraints of dizziness." 

Lloyd Feigenbaum

(Retired Medical Officer) 

 "Working with Vicky Stewart was a game-changer for my chronic dizziness. After trying numerous treatments without success, Vicky's approach brought profound results. I went from constant dizziness and brain fog to regaining my life—working, exercising, and enjoying time with my kids. Vicky's unique program, compassionate guidance, and comprehensive approach empowered me to heal from within. If you're dealing with chronic dizziness, spending time with Vicky is a transformative investment."

Kelly Sutton

"I have been working with Vicky for only 6 weeks so far and have found her course so beneficial. Vicky is very knowledgeable, kind and caring and is always there when I need the extra support. There are positive changes taking place in my life daily since implementing her practices. A couple of months ago, I was housebound and completely miserable. I was stuck in a constant loop of Doctors and specialists, looking for answers I never found. Fast-forward to today- I am driving, back at work and enjoying my life once again. If you are stuck in chronic dizziness symptoms and have tried everything else to no avail, take the leap and try Dizzy Resolve- it could be the best decision you ever make!"

Abbey Keegan

Featured Podcast Episode

The Jim Fortin Podcast - Latest Transformational Episodes


Do you answer YES to any of these?

☑ Have you been dealing with dizziness for more than 3 months that won't go away?
☑ Have you tried it all, but NOTHING is working?
☑ Are you worried about making your dizziness worse by being active and doing the things you love?
☑ Have you been told you have Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness?
☑ Are you frustrated and sick of not having the answers?
☑ Do you just want to FEEL NORMAL again?
☑ Have you spent loads of time, energy or money managing your symptoms?

What If I told you...


You can be free from the constraints of dizziness and change your life without repeating the exercises you have already done?


You can feel confident, focused and clear in the mind to be present in your work and relationships?


You can be calm, steady and have the energy for doing the activities you love?

You have “tried everything”

Dizziness is stopping you from being active, running your business, working to your full potential, being present with your kids and family, and ultimately stopping you from living the life you want.

The dizziness makes you feel exhausted, fuzzy in the head and sometimes unsteady on your feet.

You have seen specialists, had tests and investigations, tried standard treatment and sometimes a long list of medications. You feel you have ‘tried everything’ to fix your dizziness, often spending a lot of time, money and energy on many treatment options, that didn’t work to fix the real cause of your dizziness.

You start to feel there is something wrong with you.

However, you don’t give up. You are always looking for a solution because you know you are capable of much more.

For those who don’t give up

Our clients are committed to finding answers, doing the work, they just haven’t found a solution for their unique situation. They refuse to let the dizziness rule their life and they don’t give up.

If this sounds like you, you are in the right place and we look forward to helping you heal from the inside out, and start being free and living the life you deserve.


The Dizziness Subconscious Reset Framework

The Dizziness Subconscious Release Framework is a unique and effective way to be free from chronic dizziness, to feel clear and calm in the mind, and confident and steady in the body, to get back to enjoying your relationships, and feeling motivated in life.

The essential ingredient to be free from chronic dizziness is reprogramming subconscious identity, beliefs and root emotional causes and triggers of your dizziness. It transforms symptoms from the inside out with subconscious reprogramming and teaches your sympathetic nervous system how to be calm. This then allows you to return to a state of normal, so you can be present and have energy to spend quality time with your family and your friends, so that you can feel motivated with your job and career and start focusing on the future again.

The Framework employs an advanced combination of cognitive, energetic, healing, spiritual, and somatic approaches to help transformation across all 5 areas of your being. 

Follow us on Instagram @dizzyresolve