Book your FREE
One-on-One call with Dr. Vicky Stewart

Let’s map your next steps to your journey to freedom from dizziness.  


This FREE CLARITY CALL is 30 minutes, one-on-one with Dr Vicky to get clarity on:

  1. Determining Your Dizziness Root Cause: We'll work together to identify the underlying factors contributing to your chronic dizziness. By understanding the root cause, we can tailor a plan that addresses your specific needs. 
  2. Assessing Your Readiness for THE SHIFT: I'll help you assess whether THE SHIFT program is the right fit for you. We'll discuss your past treatments and tests to ensure that you're ready to commit to the program and achieve optimal results. 
  3. Exploring Your Path to Recovery: Together, we'll explore potential pathways to recovery and discuss how THE SHIFT program can support you on your journey toward lasting relief from dizziness. 
Book your Free One-on-One Call Now!